English Indonesia


Busworld Southeast Asia 2024, The Most Prestigious Bus Exhibition in ASEAN is Ready to Launch

15 – 17 May 2024, JIExpo Jakarta

With a vision of achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2060, the Indonesian government has encouraged the development of electric vehicles. Considering that public transportation and automotive contribute 27% of emissions in Indonesia, the electric bus industry in Indonesia is projected to grow significantly due to increasing concerns about greenhouse gas emissions.

The market size of electric buses in Indonesia is projected to grow at a CAGR of 75% in 2028. Apart from being environmentally friendly, demand for electric buses in Indonesia is also increasing because electric buses have high efficiency and quiet operation.

To support the development of the Indonesian and ASEAN bus industry, GEM Indonesia together with Busworld International is again presenting Busworld Southeast Asia 2024, the largest and most prestigious auto bus exhibition in Southeast Asia. This exhibition is ready to be held on 15 - 17 May 2024 at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta – Indonesia.

Busworld Southeast Asia 2024 will be attended by several well-known national car body companies, such as New Armada, Adiputro, Laksana, and Tentrem, as well as well-known bus companies from abroad such as Golden Dragon and Yutong. This will also be followed by hundreds of bus supporting components from both within and outside the country which will enliven the exhibition in May. Get ready to experience their newest products, including electric buses, premium buses, tourist buses and other buses.

Busworld Southeast Asia 2024 will also feature a full conference. Quoted from Baki Lee, president director of GEM Indonesia, "This Busworld Conference will be presented by top executives and industry experts from globally renowned bus companies and agencies, such as Transport for London, The Kowloon Motor Bus Company, Mira-Bhaindar Municipal Corporation, Transdev, TransJakarta, and others.”

Busworld SEA Conference 2024  will have the theme "Bus Fleet Electrification: Insights from Global Public Transport Innovators". The conference will serve as a platform to share and exchange knowledge, insights, work-in-progress and latest innovations related to the electric bus industry. Starting from the market overview to investment plans and technical aspects of electric buses, everything will be explained and discussed in detail, exclusively only at the Busworld Southeast Asia Conference 2024.

For those of you who want to expand your business network and get the latest information about the bus industry, come and join us at Busworld Southeast Asia 2024 on 15 - 17 May 2024 at JIExpo Kemayoran.


Released by:
GEM Indonesia
PIC: Pratiwi, Marketing Communication


Busworld Southeast Asia 2024, Pameran Bus Paling Bergengsi di ASEAN Siap Digelar

15 – 17 Mei 2024, JIExpo Jakarta

Dengan visi mencapai Net Zero Emission pada tahun 2060, pemerintah Indonesia telah mendorong pengembangan kendaraan listrik. Mengingat transportasi umum dan otomotif menyumbang 27% emisi di Indonesia, industri bus listrik di Indonesia diproyeksikan akan tumbuh secara signifikan karena meningkatnya kekhawatiran terhadap emisi gas rumah kaca.

Ukuran pasar bus listrik di Indonesia diproyeksikan akan tumbuh dengan CAGR sebesar 75% pada tahun 2028. Selain ramah lingkungan, permintaan bus listrik di Indonesia juga semakin meningkat karena bus listrik memiliki efisiensi tinggi dan pengoperasian yang tenang.

Untuk mendukung pengembangan industri bus Indonesia dan ASEAN, GEM Indonesia bersama Busworld International kembali menghadirkan Busworld Southeast Asia 2024, pameran auto bus terbesar dan paling bergengsi di Asia Tenggara. Pameran ini siap digelar pada 15 - 17 Mei 2024 di JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta – Indonesia.

Busworld Southeast Asia 2024 akan diikuti oleh beberapa perusahaan karoseri ternama nasional, seperti New Armada, Adiputro, Laksana, dan Tentrem, serta perusahaan bus ternama dari luar negeri seperti Golden Dragon dan Yutong. Disusul juga dengan ratusan komponen pendukung bus baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri yang akan meramaikan pameran pada bulan Mei mendatang. Bersiaplah untuk merasakan produk terbaru mereka, antara lain bus listrik, bus premium, bus pariwisata, dan bus lainnya.

Busworld Southeast Asia 2024 juga akan menghadirkan konferensi penuh. Dikutip dari Baki Lee, direktur utama GEM Indonesia, “Konferensi Busworld ini akan dipaparkan oleh para top eksekutif dan pakar industri dari perusahaan dan agensi bus terkenal secara global, seperti Transport for London, The Kowloon Motor Bus Company, Mira-Bhaindar Municipal Corporation, Transdev, TransJakarta, dan lainnya.”

Busworld SEA Conference 2024 akan mengangkat tema “Bus Fleet Electrification: Insights from Global Public Transport Innovators”.  Konferensi ini akan berfungsi sebagai platform untuk berbagi dan bertukar pengetahuan, wawasan, pekerjaan yang sedang berjalan, dan inovasi terkini terkait industri bus listrik. Mulai dari gambaran pasar hingga rencana investasi dan aspek teknis bus listrik, semuanya akan dipaparkan dan dibahas secara detail dan eksklusif hanya di Busworld Southeast Asia Conference 2024.

Bagi Anda yang ingin memperluas jaringan bisnis dan mendapatkan informasi terkini seputar industri bus, datang dan bergabunglah bersama kami di Busworld Southeast Asia 2024 pada 15 - 17 Mei 2024 di JIExpo Kemayoran.

Released by:
GEM Indonesia
PIC: Pratiwi, Marketing Communication
