The Ministry of Industry released Indonesia’s automotive export data, 87,879 units for four-wheeled CBU and motorcycles 215,347 units for the period of January to 15 April 2020. This signifies the export of the automotive industry is still good, amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, as well as around the world.
“Moreover, the export of automobile components also reaches 11,099,550 pieces. In fact, other component companies such as planes, trains, and heavy equipment, are also active in exportation, “said the Minister of Industry, Agung Gumiwang Kartasasmita in official statement.
He is optimistic, Indonesia will bcome one of the countries that are predicted to experience faster recovery and record positive economic growth post-pandemic COVID-19. “This is an optimism that we must keep,” he said.
Based on the data of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (IPCC), throughout the first quarter 2020 the export-loading service of CBU IPCC vehicle increased by 17.33 percent or to 78,668 units. General Secretary of Gaikindo, Kukuh Kumara said, exports of cars from Indonesia that still show positive numbers. “The ascent was at 9 percent for this first three months period,”.
Previously, in the first three months 2019, the total was only 67,051 CBU units, the data provided by IPCC Investor Relation Reza Priyambada.
Export Destination Countries
The greatest numbers are still more in the ASEAN region, followed by the Middle East and America Latin regions.
- Philippines 18,297 units increase 0.21 percent
- Saudi Arabia 13,754 units increase 514.02 percent
- Vietnam 12,162 units increase 11.86 percent
- Thailand 5,695 units dropped 25.21 percent
- Mexico 4,993 units increase 19.25 percent
- United Emirates Arab 2,251 units increase 0.49 percent
- Peru 2,145 units increase 41.49 percent
- Kuwait 1,779 units increase 103.08 percent
- Oman 1,612 units increase 2.81 percent
- Egypt 1,020 units increase 1,336.62 percent
- Myanmar 914 units increase 213.01 percent
- Malaysia 736 units increase 12.02 percent
- Brunei Darussalam 648 units increase 65.73 percent
- Qatar 615 units increase 64.88 percent
- Cambodia 316 units up 857.58 percent
Source : Kumparan Oto
Kementerian Perindustrian merilis data ekspor otomotif Indonesia, sebanyak 87.879 unit untuk CBU roda empat. Sedangkan, sepeda motor 215.347 unit, periode Januari sampai per tanggal 15 April 2020. Ini menandakan geliat ekspor industri otomotif masih cukup baik, di tengah gempuran pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia, juga di seluruh dunia.
“Selain itu, ekspor komponen mobil juga tembus 11.099.550 pieces. Bahkan, perusahaan-perusahaan komponen lain seperti pesawat, kereta api, dan alat berat, juga masih aktif melakukan ekspor,” tutur Menteri Perindustrian Agung Gumiwang Kartasasmita dalam keterangan resmi.
Menteri AGK optimistis, Indonesia akan menjadi salah satu dari negara yang diprediksi mengalami recovery lebih cepat dan mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi positif pasca pandemi COVID-19.
“Ini merupakan sebuah optimisme yang harus kita jaga,” ucap Agus.
Berdasarkan data PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (IPCC), sepanjang triwulan pertama 2020 layanan bongkar muat ekspor kendaraan CBU IPCC meningkat 17,33 persen, atau menjadi 78.668 unit.
Sekretaris Umum Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (Gaikindo) Kukuh Kumara mengiyakan, ekspor mobil dari Indonesia yang masih menunjukkan angka positif.
“Kenaikannya di 9 persenan ya untuk periode tiga bulan pertama ini,” tuturnya.
Sebelumnya pada tiga bulan pertama 2019 lalu, totalnya hanya sebanyak 67.051 unit CBU, seperti dikutip dari data yang diberikan Investor Relation IPCC Reza Priyambada.
Negara tujuan ekspor
Jumlah paling besar masih lebih banyak di wilayah ASEAN, kemudian diikuti wilayah Timur Tengah dan Amerika Latin.
- Filipina 18.297 unit naik 0,21 persen
- Arab Saudi 13.754 unit naik 514,02 persen
- Vietnam 12.162 unit naik 11,86 persen
- Thailand 5.695 unit turun 25,21 persen
- Meksiko 4.993 unit naik 19,25 persen
- Emirat Arab 2.251 unit naik 0,49 persen
- Peru 2.145 unit naik 41,49 persen
- Kuwait 1.779 unit naik 103,08 persen
- Oman 1.612 unit naik 2,81 persen
- Mesir 1.020 unit naik 1.336,62 persen
- Myanmar 914 unit naik 213,01 persen
- Malaysia 736 unit naik 12,02 persen
- Brunei Darussalam 648 unit naik 65,73 persen
- Qatar 615 unit naik 64,88 persen
- Kamboja 316 unit naik 857,58 persen